Hero Corruption 2 v0.95 Released !


  • Basic framework for v1.0 major mechanic has been implemented and is already playable
    • Check out the spoiler comment below if you guys wanna know how to get started with the new mechanic
      • No spoiler tip: You can trigger it by just playing the game normally
      • This is just an easter egg so you can try it and find out what it's all about. Things will make more sense in the next version
  • No more spoilers here, you'll have to find out by yourself


  • Players can now see how many potions and materials they have at the first screen, without the need to open a secondary menu
  • Hovering over the equipped weapon/accessory shows its full description, including fixed and refined values
  • The secondary screen for equipping weapons, accessories and their respective recipes has also been improved to show the full equipment description at a glance
    • These changes will likely be carried over to the blacksmith forge/refine screen over time


  • Taylor (Coast)
    • Taylor knows how to get on everyone's nerves, try to keep a cool head.
  • Stacy (Coast)
    • Stacy is live right now ! Join her stream and maybe leave a comment.


  • Added a Location Selection Screen inside the city*
  • Added a Potion Shop Screen
  • Added 1 New Debuff: Taunted
  • Added 6 New Side-Jobs
  • Added 2 new Bad Endings: Taylor
  • Added 3 new Quests
  • Added 2 new Achievements


  • Felicia now adds a Restrained debuff
  • Melissa now drops her loot when climaxing
  • Removed the Tired Debuff persistence when climbing the Tower


  • Fixed a bad interaction between Victoria/Bonnie and Serenity Shawl
  • Fixed Fairy Powder buff sometimes crashing the game when the Hero sleeps
  • Fixed Resistance lingering on other enemies after Celeste has been defeated


*Players can see the entire city on a single screen, the Recipe Shop will also change its icon according to the current state of the store


HeroCorruption2-0.95-win.zip 172 MB
Jun 05, 2024

Get Hero Corruption 2


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Opening the backpack is causing my game to crash. I tried again after clearing my save data, and it still happens.

Hey there, could you send me the crash log? I'll take a look at it asap

Okay. Do I just copy/paste the whole thing here?

Yep, or send me via DM, whatever is easier for you

Sun Jun  9 21:37:20 2024



Bootstrap to the start of init.init. took 0.09s

Early init. took 0.00s

Loader init. took 0.08s

Loading error handling. took 0.18s

Loading script. took 0.91s

Loading save slot metadata. took 0.06s

Loading persistent. took 0.00s

Set script version to: (8, 1, 0)

Running init code. took 0.16s

Loading analysis data. took 0.10s

Analyze and compile ATL. took 0.02s

Reloading save slot metadata. took 0.04s

Index archives took 0.00s

Dump and make backups. took 0.00s

Cleaning cache. took 0.00s

Making clean stores. took 0.00s

Initial gc. took 0.07s

DPI scale factor: 1.250000

nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.

nvdrs: b"Couldn't load nvlib." (can be ignored)

Creating interface object. took 0.01s

Cleaning stores took 0.00s

Init translation took 0.10s

Build styles took 0.01s

Load screen analysis took 0.13s

Analyze screens took 0.01s

Save screen analysis took 0.00s

Prepare screens took 0.30s

Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s

Save bytecode. took 0.00s

Running _start took 0.00s

Performance test:

Interface start. took 0.18s

Initializing gl2 renderer:

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)

swap interval: 1 frames

Fullscreen mode.

Vendor: "b'ATI Technologies Inc.'"

Renderer: b'AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics'

Version: b'4.6.14761 Compatibility Profile Context 21.30.44 30.0.13044.0'

Display Info: None

Screen sizes: virtual=(1920, 1080) physical=(1920, 1080) drawable=(1920, 1080)

Maximum texture size: 4096x4096

Cleaning stores took 0.00s

Init translation took 0.00s

Build styles took 0.01s

Load screen analysis took 0.10s

Analyze screens took 0.00s

Prepare screens took 0.00s

Running _start took 0.00s

It seems that the log was cut out by word limit, try pasting it on pastebin.com and send me the link